Aventura Siminei 2 începe!!!

Am citit inca odata insemnarile din jurnalul de bord.
Au fost inspirati cind au dat nume articolului

“Aventura Simina… “


Daca s-ar incerca o noua tentativa, pe aceeasi ruta, cu aceeasi barcutza, in aceleasi conditii, cu echipajul original si m-as numara si eu printre ei, m-am gandit putin la unele, mici chestii:

Kayak Helmet Red | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

-dramamine, bonine, scopolamine(din abundentza) scopolamine patches, sea-bands…

How to Avoid Panic Attacks: 10 Steps - wikiHow

“Instead of giving yourself reasons why you can’t, give yourself reasons why you can.”

“Fall seven times, stand up eight.”

“A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success.”

“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.”

“Life is tough, but you must be tougher.”

“Whatever you’re going through, many others have not only experienced the same but got out of it just fine.”

“Whenever you feel like giving up, remember why you set this goal in the first place.”

“Every failure is a step closer to success.”

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”

“Fighting for your dreams isn’t always easy but it’s so worth it.”

“A champion is someone who gets up, even when he can’t.”


Mobile ais tracking - vesseltracker.com


-“For some time vesseltracker.com supports Layar.
Layar is a digital mini radar for your cell pone. With the vesseltracker layar ships can be monitored in a range of 3-4 SM. Layar is working on modern Iphones and Android Cell Phones like the HTC Hero and can be downloaded for free on” Layar.


-Un AIS robust si de incredere


-Ipod, muzica, muzica multa, buna

Klaus Wunderlich - Petite Fleur - YouTube

si diversificata; nu-I vint, nu-I bai,


mincare buna si sufficienta, apa potabila si odihna la timp (foarte important pentru moralul si buna dispozitie a echipajului) sa fie, in rest, sint pe velier, in larg pe mare, cind va veni vintul,

va veni

daca ma consum nu rezolv nimic. In cazul in care se ingroasa putin treaba, sint pe Mediterana… cu tot ghinionul, tot voi gasi vreun vapor de la care sa cersesc un bidon cu apa si o coaja de paine, asta este, n-am plecat in croaziera, pe linga mal, pe linga coasta ,mai o brizutza de mare, mai una de uscat, mai un vintuletz din Est mai unu din Vest, sint plecat intr-o aventura, in stabilirea unui record.


Mini Transat "how do you sleep?" - YouTube

Se asteapta cu interes continuarea povestirii (Sardinia-Mangalia).


Inca o data, felicitari si respect pentru echipaj.
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