Sever 600

Sunt interesat de "minunatia" Sever 600 a lui Igor Sedelnikov. Problema este ca inca nu am gasit nici unde planuri detaliate ale contsructiei,
As aprecia daca poate sa ma ajute cineva cu aceasta informatie sau daca nu cu un plan similar cu cel al modelului mentionat mai sus.
In asteptarea raspunsurilor va multumesc anticipat.
Am trimis un mail, raspunsul lor a fost ca sunt dispusi sa vanda doar fisierele cad fara sa mentioneze pret.
Astept in continuare un semn de la ei.
Hi guys, my name is Peter. I am from BKR ( company.

I wrote to one of you with prices for DXFs, they are costly

But you can buy plans from us of from Igor Sedelnikov, price is 165 USD and it INCLUDES dxf file for bulkheads
from Igor (not our version, sorry). Plans are in GIF format (an expample I enclose)

Write to our 401089 email address if you are interested.


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